Offshore Development Center

IT innovation centers around the use of data and correspondence advances to upgrade efficiency, proficiency, and development across different areas, including business, medical care, instruction, and amusement. This envelops regions, for example, programming improvement, network framework, online protection, information the board, distributed computing, man-made reasoning, Web of Things (IoT), and augmented reality. IT experts are answerable for planning, executing, and dealing with these advances to make arrangements that streamline processes, further develop navigation, and improve client encounters. In the present high speed computerized world, IT innovation keeps on developing quickly, forming the manner in which organizations and people collaborate and work in an associated worldwide climate.

Set up

Alpine Global works with the client to establish the scope of the project and the requirements for the development team. A team is then assembled in India, based on the client’s requirements.


The client works with a dedicated project manager at the ODC facility to oversee the development team and ensure that the project is on track.


Communication is key to the success of an ODC model. Alpine Global provides regular updates to the client on the progress of the project, as well as regular meetings and conference calls to discuss any issues or concerns.


The ODC model offered by Alpine Global is designed to be flexible, so that clients can scale the size of the development team up or down as needed.

Overall, the ODC model offered by Alpine Global is designed to provide businesses with a cost-effective and flexible way to access skilled software developers in India. By leveraging Alpine Global’s expertise in talent acquisition and staffing, businesses can set up a dedicated development team in India that meets their specific needs and requirements.

Alpine Global Offshore development strategies

Alpine Global’s strategy for its ODC (Offshore Development Center) is centered around providing clients with a cost-effective, reliable, and efficient way to access skilled software developers in India. The company’s ODC strategy is designed to enable clients to set up a dedicated offshore team that can work seamlessly with their existing teams, without the need for the client to invest in infrastructure, hiring, and management.

Here are some of the key elements of Alpine Global’s ODC strategy:

Customized ODC solutions : Alpine Global works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and requirements and design customized ODC solutions that fit those needs. This includes developing a deep understanding of the client’s business, technology, and culture to ensure that the ODC team works seamlessly with the client’s existing teams.

Skilled software developers : Alpine Global’s ODC team consists of skilled software developers who have expertise in a wide range of technologies and domains. The company follows a rigorous recruitment process to ensure that only the best talent is selected for its ODC team.

Agile development methodologies : Alpine Global follows Agile development methodologies to ensure that the ODC team works in close collaboration with the client’s teams, and can quickly respond to changing requirements and priorities.

Strong infrastructure and support : Alpine Global provides a strong infrastructure and support system for its ODC teams, including high-speed internet connectivity, modern workstations, and access to the latest software and tools.

Ongoing communication and reporting : Alpine Global places a strong emphasis on ongoing communication and reporting to ensure that clients are kept up-to-date with the progress of their projects. The company also provides regular reports on project milestones, resource utilization, and other key metrics.

Overall, Alpine Global’s ODC strategy is designed to provide clients with a seamless and cost-effective way to access skilled software developers in India. The company’s focus on customized solutions, skilled talent, Agile methodologies, strong infrastructure and support, and ongoing communication and reporting, makes it an ideal partner for clients looking to set up an ODC in India.

Alpine Global ODC models

Alpine Global offers different ODC models to suit the specific needs and requirements of its clients. Here are some of the ODC models offered by Alpine Global:

Under this model, Alpine Global sets up an ODC in India for the client, hires and manages the development team, and provides all the necessary infrastructure and support. After a specified period, the client can take over the ODC and the development team.

This model involves setting up a dedicated development team in India for the client, based on their specific requirements. Alpine Global manages the team and provides all the necessary infrastructure and support.

The hybrid model is a combination of the BOT and dedicated team models. It allows the client to have a dedicated team in India for a specific project or duration, and then transfer the team to an ODC that is set up and managed by Alpine Global.

Under this model, Alpine Global provides a team of skilled software developers who work remotely from India for the client. This model provides a cost-effective way to access skilled talent without the need to set up an ODC.

The shared resource model is a flexible and cost-effective way for clients to access skilled software developers in India. In this model, Alpine Global provides a pool of resources who work on multiple projects for different clients.

Overall, Alpine Global offers a range of ODC models to suit the specific needs and requirements of its clients. These models provide a cost-effective and flexible way to access skilled software developers in India, while also ensuring that the development team is managed and supported by Alpine Global’s experienced team.